Thursday, April 15, 2010

Keepsaking for Men

Memories continue to be in the making from the stash of our dear local lady who passed away, last year.  Recall the stash from which I recreated ankle bracelets, necklaces, and earrings for surviving family members?  Not only did one of the young ladies ask me to work out a matching bracelet for her ankle bracelet, so that she can wear it in her wedding, this summer, but the mother of the bride asked me to design cuff links for the father and the brother of the bride.

So here we are with silver plated cuff links:
The mother of pearl rectangular focals 
were once magnetic clip on earrings. 
Bits of silver chain and  
 a couple of rhinestones
hug together on both sides. 

The silver leaf links
(I personally love leaves)
were reborn 
from bracelet links, chain,
 rhinestones, and other bits. 

I soooo love my customers.  They bring new ideas to the table and thereby expand my horizons. 


Saturday, April 3, 2010

Growing, Coiling, Continue

                Two weeks ago:  3rd day hair.                       Today:  3rd day hair.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Unlocking the Door to New Beginnings

Just as we open wide with abandon the windows to spring, we should remember to embrace every new beginning in our lives.  Unlock the possibilities!

Friday, March 19, 2010

On the Sunnier Side of the Street

I never gave too much thought to the concept of Daylight Savings Time except to say that I loved the "falling back" and having more sleep time, but never enjoyed the "springing ahead" and losing an hour of zzzz's. Beyond that, however, it's never been a huge grumble or adjustment for me. In fact, I've never really experienced too much rantage from others about it, beyond the one day that you lose that hour of sleep, until a couple of years ago. Was I never paying attention to the rantage, or was it really never much of an issue to others, until now?

I can talk about this with emotions in check, surprisingly, but three years ago, I experienced the most difficult adjustment to Daylight Savings Time that I'll ever expect to experience. And it wasn't my own adjusting that was causing issue. It was Mom's. You see, in March of 2007, Mom revealed to me her downward emotional spiral, and from there, the rest is an unforgettable history. Mom projected the majority of her anxiety and depression escalation to DST. Whether or not it played any deeper role in her situation, I'll never know.

On the flip side, I absolutely LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the switch! Strange, isn't it? Especially after such a life-changing time in my life? Though I'm still having trouble getting myself set for being sleepy at bedtime, I'm more than happy to be up and smiling at the next day, when it arrives.  Ahhh, God heals, indeed.

Don't get me wrong. I'm not trying to change anyone's mind about DST. Not in the least. I just find it so very interesting that I'm seemingly one of the few--OK, along with my husband--who doesn't mind the switch. On that note, as I look outside our office window, in the cozy comfort of my home, I can see a beautiful blue sky coming my way. And it's only 7:34 a.m. What's not to love?

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Chronicles of Curliheadedness

And so it begins. One week into working to get more uniformity, definition, and natural products back into my hair. We'll be growing out layers, along with that. The nape of the neck ended up looking matted, but this is after having donned and doffed my coat a few times, today. I didn't finger through the bottom to fix that.

It's strange, looking at the side/back of my hair through a photo. Better than I thought. Not a "mess" in my world. Some more deep moisturizing needs to be done, and a replacement cone-free product to put back the shine...we'll just keep rolling with this. I'm in no hurry, yet.

Au Natural

I'm having a revisited obsession with curly hair and learning to enhance my God-given coif.  With that, I'm just noting--mostly to myself--that I've now become a follower of several curly haired people's blogs. 
@= D

My mission:  to gain back modified CG control and grow out those layers into ringlets of madness!

Friday, March 5, 2010

Always Wear a Key

For years, a most curious gizmo lived in the family junk drawer of my youth.  When I asked about the rusty old item, I was simply told that it was a roller skate key, as though I would then comprehend its purpose.  Believe it or not, I only recently discovered the purpose, thanks to internet research!   You know, one day, the computer will be a curious gizmo; in fact, large dinosaur-like models already are.  But that's another subject.

The roller skate key was, from what I've learned, a basic tool designed for tightening the toe clamps of the roller skates.  Don't ask me about toe clamps.  Seriously.  Apparently, you needed to keep track of your key, which meant that skaters often wore the gadget on a string tied around their necks.

Well....what do you know.....

I recently unearthed this little treasure.  Who knows how it ended up in my own grown up junk drawer, as I've never been able to skate a day in my life.  But you can bet that I felt compelled to turn this piece into something worth keeping.  And here it is:

This special-to-me key has become a kick-off component for me, ever since a colleague spotted me wearing it.  She's placed a request, and I'm buying up old keys for her to consider.  I'll keep you posted.

More fun on the run!


Monday, March 1, 2010

Diffendoofer Delight!

What happens when you mix a fun group of coworkers with Dr. Suess? 

You get one classy Diffendoofer staff!  (I'm in the top row, first on the left, with the very big ear.) Even my big ear wears GracedLace glitz. ;-)

We had so much fun. 
And isn't our little narrator, the blonde cutie holding the Hooray for Diffendoofer Day book, simply clever?  Not only did she assemble us into quite the team of players, but she totally looks like she's straight out of the book.  She helped us put the fun into a Monday. ♥

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Buzzword: Cue Lionfish

I received the most interesting invitation in my Facebook message box, the other day.  It was an invitation to enter a lionfish tournament in Cozumel, Mexico.
The tournament is happening as I write this.
Take out this gorgeous creature, you say?  Divers, on the whole, are quite protective and respectful of  the coral reefs that they visit.  Alas, with the immigration of this pretty predator, the reefs are in danger.  Lionfish, with their venomous spiney spikes, not only sting and potentially paralyze humans, but these carnivorous creatures herd in all types of other sea life and devour them.  Given that they also devour the oceanic maintenance "crew" that clean up the reefs, lionfish are a threat to the existence of this extremely delicate ecosystem.
Sadly, the lionfish is a wolf in sheep's clothing. 

Friday, February 26, 2010


It has been a long while since I've had work featured that this came as a complete surprise to me:

My PennyRose copper and tarn necklace snatched a little attention, last week.

Now, back to work.  My lunch break is over. :-D

Wednesday, February 24, 2010


I just l♥ve a hodge podge of anything, just as long as those anythings go together well.  That must by why I love the mixed and varied look in the vintage inspired jewely of today.  Those of us who dabble with such pieces would most likely wish to think that we've each come up with the original concept, ourselves, but that's OK.  Great creative minds think alike, no?

Some of these pieces have been in my stash for quite a spell, just waiting for the right comingling.
By Jewels, I think we've got it!

Sometimes the best players in a movie are the supporting actors. So it is with other supporting components. Note the focal leave in this next piece. It was cleverly hidden behind a floral brooch. Far more outstanding than the flower that is supported, I must say. All it needed was the Lindewold simulated sapphire that now sparkles center stage.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Tarnation Creation!

To finally be able to put into motion the ideas in my head--and I'm not finished with that--is a very satisfying thing. Those of you who love to DO things, whether it be in the area of arts, writing, making music, baking/cooking, building, crafting, scrapbooking, rearranging, gardening, researching....anything that has you out of couch potato mode....will understand the surge of serotonin that simply must course through the veins at these active times.

All week long, I had been longing to carve out some time to create. I was somewhat afraid that the muse would leave, however, if I didn't physically arrive at this place in due time. Thankfully, the muse is loose!

Repurposing old jewelry is one way for me to go green. And now, I'm finding additional ways to take jolly green giant steps forward, in that regard. Enter to the picture: tarn. Tarn is recycled tee shirt jersey that is transformed into a yarn like material. And who doesn't enjoy the softness of a broken in tee shirt?

Here is just a very small sample of what I'm doing, tarn it! Stay tuned as my weekend stretches on:

I'll eventually add these to my Etsy shop, as well as the ones that I've yet to make.  Meanwhile, if you have questions or requests, be sure to contact me.  I'm easy to reach.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Keepsaking, Part Four

Finally, we come to the last in a series on recreating new pieces from old stashes.  Time has been an issue in my  intent to share these things in person with the dear lady who requested this of me.  In fact, she's had to view everything online, just like you.  Hopefully we can connect soon.

A portion of M.'s jewelry contained some very classy-though-costume statement pieces, if I do say so, myself.  Ambers, blacks, and cameos coursed throughout her collection. 

The pocketwatch-looking locket on the left hung from time-worn chains, which made it appear tired and lifeless.  I spotted a loose cameo face in the bag of baubles, and adhered it to the center of the amber "gem" on the locket.  I also recreated a beaded chain from among the newer chains and loose glass beads from a broken string.

The medallion on the right looks practically brand new, after a good scrub and a shine.  It, too, hung from multiple strands of drab looking chains.  The double stranded chains that now belong to this piece look as though they were made to go together. 

This set was once connected together as one necklace.  It was pretty as it was, but I envisioned chandelier earrings and an updated focal necklace, with the chunkier chain applied.  The little gold dangles on the earrings are actually links from one of the older-looking chains, and the chunky chain on the necklace is repurposed from another of M.'s formerly longer necklaces. 
Last, we have three totally updated creations.  The larger cameo was once a pin/pendant combination.  In today's world, it simply needs to be a necklace!  First, I removed the pinback.  Then, I deconstructed and reassembled the already-linked beaded chains in a different pattern to play off of the black, white, and silver in the cameo. 
The middle necklace is one of my favorites (though most all of these pieces are now favorites of mine).  It, too, was once a pin.  While I couldn't imagine a young lady wearing such a pin in its original state, I could definitely envision her wearing it from a velvet ribbon. 

Finally, the simple little cameo was a lone earring who had lost its mate.  Too beautiful to be left behind, it now takes center stage on a gorgeous newer chain from the stash.

Quite a holiday break adventure these remakes have offered me.  While I'm finished for the moment, I definitely have at least one or two more ideas floating around in my head.  M.'s stash is definitely not gone yet!  Meanwhile, her momemtos are ready to be shared.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Keepsaking, Part Three

This piece goes straight to my own heart.  The filigree heart, in its original form, hung on a very aged chain.  I loved the chain (not pictured, here), but realized that you have to be a true vintage lover to appreciate such things.

Knowing that the task at hand was to update, I decided to give the heart new life in an altered collage remake, and to prop it onto a newer chain in the stash.  Alone, this chain was ho-hum, but doubled and adorned with a pendant, it now looks alive.  The now asymmetrical style takes it to a very current place.

I sooo tried to find more pieces to which I could apply a collage sort of look, but this heart stands alone.  I was happy just to find this, as well as the little angel and stone.  Oh, and if you click on the photo for a closer peek, you'll notice the tiny bit of the old chain affixed to to the stone, for memory's sake.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Keepsaking, Part Two

Ah, what to do with rings?  I discovered several in this stash of jewelry, but had no idea what I would do to turn these into pieces that anyone might wear.  And then it dawned on me.  Why not create pendants!  They would definitely be unique items.  With these, I found that the simpler the ring, the better I liked the results.  Though the simulated saphhire ring had more embellishment that I could appreciate for a pendant design, I am satisfied with the best end result that I could obtain. 

The other two pieces are well disguised, I think.  No one would really guess that they were once rings, at first glance.

 My favorite is the plum colored piece in the center.  Once a Sarah Conventry (remember those parties?) ring, it's actually set in sterling silver. 

The ring on the right is tiger's eye.

I have one more ring with which to do something. It requires some thinking, as it's already such a unique piece with two cultured pearls in the setting.  You can bet that I'll eventually share it with you.  No doubt.