Saturday, March 20, 2010

Unlocking the Door to New Beginnings

Just as we open wide with abandon the windows to spring, we should remember to embrace every new beginning in our lives.  Unlock the possibilities!

Friday, March 19, 2010

On the Sunnier Side of the Street

I never gave too much thought to the concept of Daylight Savings Time except to say that I loved the "falling back" and having more sleep time, but never enjoyed the "springing ahead" and losing an hour of zzzz's. Beyond that, however, it's never been a huge grumble or adjustment for me. In fact, I've never really experienced too much rantage from others about it, beyond the one day that you lose that hour of sleep, until a couple of years ago. Was I never paying attention to the rantage, or was it really never much of an issue to others, until now?

I can talk about this with emotions in check, surprisingly, but three years ago, I experienced the most difficult adjustment to Daylight Savings Time that I'll ever expect to experience. And it wasn't my own adjusting that was causing issue. It was Mom's. You see, in March of 2007, Mom revealed to me her downward emotional spiral, and from there, the rest is an unforgettable history. Mom projected the majority of her anxiety and depression escalation to DST. Whether or not it played any deeper role in her situation, I'll never know.

On the flip side, I absolutely LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the switch! Strange, isn't it? Especially after such a life-changing time in my life? Though I'm still having trouble getting myself set for being sleepy at bedtime, I'm more than happy to be up and smiling at the next day, when it arrives.  Ahhh, God heals, indeed.

Don't get me wrong. I'm not trying to change anyone's mind about DST. Not in the least. I just find it so very interesting that I'm seemingly one of the few--OK, along with my husband--who doesn't mind the switch. On that note, as I look outside our office window, in the cozy comfort of my home, I can see a beautiful blue sky coming my way. And it's only 7:34 a.m. What's not to love?

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Chronicles of Curliheadedness

And so it begins. One week into working to get more uniformity, definition, and natural products back into my hair. We'll be growing out layers, along with that. The nape of the neck ended up looking matted, but this is after having donned and doffed my coat a few times, today. I didn't finger through the bottom to fix that.

It's strange, looking at the side/back of my hair through a photo. Better than I thought. Not a "mess" in my world. Some more deep moisturizing needs to be done, and a replacement cone-free product to put back the shine...we'll just keep rolling with this. I'm in no hurry, yet.

Au Natural

I'm having a revisited obsession with curly hair and learning to enhance my God-given coif.  With that, I'm just noting--mostly to myself--that I've now become a follower of several curly haired people's blogs. 
@= D

My mission:  to gain back modified CG control and grow out those layers into ringlets of madness!

Friday, March 5, 2010

Always Wear a Key

For years, a most curious gizmo lived in the family junk drawer of my youth.  When I asked about the rusty old item, I was simply told that it was a roller skate key, as though I would then comprehend its purpose.  Believe it or not, I only recently discovered the purpose, thanks to internet research!   You know, one day, the computer will be a curious gizmo; in fact, large dinosaur-like models already are.  But that's another subject.

The roller skate key was, from what I've learned, a basic tool designed for tightening the toe clamps of the roller skates.  Don't ask me about toe clamps.  Seriously.  Apparently, you needed to keep track of your key, which meant that skaters often wore the gadget on a string tied around their necks.

Well....what do you know.....

I recently unearthed this little treasure.  Who knows how it ended up in my own grown up junk drawer, as I've never been able to skate a day in my life.  But you can bet that I felt compelled to turn this piece into something worth keeping.  And here it is:

This special-to-me key has become a kick-off component for me, ever since a colleague spotted me wearing it.  She's placed a request, and I'm buying up old keys for her to consider.  I'll keep you posted.

More fun on the run!


Monday, March 1, 2010

Diffendoofer Delight!

What happens when you mix a fun group of coworkers with Dr. Suess? 

You get one classy Diffendoofer staff!  (I'm in the top row, first on the left, with the very big ear.) Even my big ear wears GracedLace glitz. ;-)

We had so much fun. 
And isn't our little narrator, the blonde cutie holding the Hooray for Diffendoofer Day book, simply clever?  Not only did she assemble us into quite the team of players, but she totally looks like she's straight out of the book.  She helped us put the fun into a Monday. ♥