Wednesday, February 24, 2010


I just l♥ve a hodge podge of anything, just as long as those anythings go together well.  That must by why I love the mixed and varied look in the vintage inspired jewely of today.  Those of us who dabble with such pieces would most likely wish to think that we've each come up with the original concept, ourselves, but that's OK.  Great creative minds think alike, no?

Some of these pieces have been in my stash for quite a spell, just waiting for the right comingling.
By Jewels, I think we've got it!

Sometimes the best players in a movie are the supporting actors. So it is with other supporting components. Note the focal leave in this next piece. It was cleverly hidden behind a floral brooch. Far more outstanding than the flower that is supported, I must say. All it needed was the Lindewold simulated sapphire that now sparkles center stage.


Sharon said...

Very pretty Merrilee. I love your new site. The jewelry is beautiful also.

GracedLace said...

Thanks, Sharon!! This all keeps my mind off of the snow, if you know what I mean. ;-)